Privacy policy

Contact & Offer Form

Any data that you send to us through the contact form and the offer form are encrypted upon sending and so they remain secure. They are received by the responsible department of our company. They are used only to get in touch with you and for no other purpose. If you want your data to be deleted, you can email us to delete them.


Cookies are small data files that contain information stored in the web browser while you are browsing and you can remove them at any time. Most cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser, while others remain stored until their default expiration date.

To ensure that our site works properly and to provide you with the best browsing experience, we use some harmless cookies. These cookies do not store your personal data and they are not used for purposes other than the proper functioning of our website. We only use the following necessary functional cookies:

  • Cookies from Google, for the operation of the maps of our business and the reCaptcha security mechanism on the communication / booking forms. Cookies by Google, for the operation of the maps of our business location and for the security mechanism reCaptcha in the contact and offer forms. Also, if you watch a video on our page, which is hosted by Youtube, Google cookies may also be used. More information can be found here.

Website Security

To deal with malicious use of our website and cyber attacks, during your visit your IP is automatically checked by our security application, without the possibility of personalizing you.